Inputs are highlighted in yellow and outputs are in green. Both reference and reservoir temperatures must be entered in degrees Celsius, degC=5/9*(degF-32).
The following standard inputs for the Simandoux equation must be entered :
- Rw at reference temperature (the value of Rw at a specific temperature)
- Rw reference temperature (the temperature at which Rw was measured at)
- Reservoir temperature (the estimated reservoir temperature)
- Tortuosity exponent (a)
- Cementation exponent (m)
- Saturation exponent (n)
- Effective porosity (porosity which does not include clay bound water)
- Volume shale (the estimated shale volume from the reservoir interval)
- Deep resistivity (the average deep resistivity reading over the reservoir interval)
- Deep resistivity for shale (the estimated deep resistivity reading for an interval which is 100 percent shale)
Outputs include Rw at reservoir temperature and Simandoux water saturation. The associated data point is plotted on the crossplot.
Please note that the Simandoux saturation is not limited to 1.00, to allow the user to see how parameter values affect Sw. This is important when using known water zones to help define parameter values.
Archie, G. E., “The Electrical Resistivity Log As An Aid In Determining Some Reservoir Characteristics.” Transactions of the AIME Volume 146, Issue 1, December 1942: 54-62.
Poupon, A., and Leveaux, J., "Evaluation of Water Saturation in Shaly Formations." The Log Analyst Volume 12, Issue 4, 1971: 3-8.
Simandoux, P., "Dielectric Measurements on Porous Media and Application to Shaly Formations." Revue de I'Institut Francais du Petrole, Supplementary Issue, 1963: 193-215. English Translation by Moinard, L., in the SPWLA Shaly Sand Reprint, Volume 4, 1982: 97-124.